Enroll your child for Fall 2025!
RE-Enrollment Application for Current CCA Students
The form below is only for current CCA students who will be returning next school year. Please fill out a separate Re-Enrollment Application for each returning child!
If you are a NEW CCA applicant or a sibling of a current student and are not enrolled at CCA, do NOT fill out this form! Please go to the new student enrollment pageand complete the NEW Student Enrollment Application!
Pay my Family Registration Fee- (This is required to hold a spot for your child. Your enrollment will not be complete until the Family Registration is paid.)
By paying the Family Registration you are holding your child's spot in a grade level/class. The Registration Fee is a processing fee and is non-refundable. Once we receive your child's application, they will be placed on a waiting list until we receive the Registration Fee at which time they will be moved to a class roster. Please carefully read CCA's Financial Policy stated on the application before submitting it. The policy states there will be no refund of tuition for students who leave Christ Classical Academy for any reason including if they are expelled for disciplinary purposes or any violation of School Policies and the remainder of the school year's tuition will be required to be paid. The reason this is necessary is due to the fact that CCA's budget is tuition based and not government subsidized and teacher salaries and all working expenses are budgeted dependent upon your tuition commitment.
If you need to withdraw your child after disclosing your intent to CCA, you must contact us immediately. You will then be able to withdraw your child within 5 days of contacting us, up to August 1st but the registration fee will not be refunded. You will not be responsible for the full year's tuition prior to August 1st.
Family Registration Fee for: (You may pay your family registration fee: 1.) below electronically and a 4% Fee will be automatically added to the total or 2.) you may mail or bring in a check or cash to the school office without being charged a fee.
- Full Time Student/s (including all TK options)- $250
- Part Time Student taking 4 or more classes-$250
- Part Time Student taking 1-3 classes (TK and High Scholar students are NOT considered part time students)- $175

Use the "Buy Now" button to pay your Registration Fee with Paypal! (Please be advised that by choosing the option below to pay electronically, a 4% fee will be added to the total.)
*If you do not wish to pay the Registration Fee online you may submit payment by mail to:
Christ Classical Academy
PO Box 70
Rutherford College, NC 28671
*Your Re-Enrollment will not be complete and a spot in a class secured until the Registration Fee has been received.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or need help, please feel free to contact us! Please be advised that you must submit an email or phone number in order for us to be able to contact you.